
Establishment of Disability Research Centre (DRC)

An agreement between Kathmandu University School of Arts and UNICEF Nepal has been signed on 18th February 2015. With this agreement a program called ‘Institutional Support to Enhance Research and Training Capacity on Disability’ has been implemented in Kathmandu University School of Arts. Under this agreement UNICEF Nepal agreed to support Kathmandu University financially and technically in the establishment of Disability Research Centre in School of Arts.

The agreement is seen as a watershed in Nepal’s disability research. It introduces a new aspect to national and international effort in mainstreaming disability agenda in Nepal’s development process

Disability Statistics

PARDAN Field Photo

Participatory Action Research with Disabled Adolescents in Nepal (PARDAN) to develop methods and materials to understand their experience of COVID-19

Project Summary Intersecting vulnerabilities of disability, low socio-economic status, marginalization and age indicate that children and young people with disabilities (adolescents) are likely to be uniquely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, there has been limited research from low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) about the effect of the pandemic on adolescents. In order to capture their experience, it is important that they participate in the design of tools and methods to collect data.

We will conduct participatory action research in two rural areas of Nepal to:

  1. Understand how the pandemic has affected adolescents and their families.
  2. Develop peer-research methods and tools with adolescents to increase their participation in research

CYPDs will pilot these tools and inform the development of training materials to increase the participation of adolescents in research about current and future public health emergencies.

Project Information

Dates: 1st February 2021 to 31st January 2022

Principal Investigator: Dr Joanna Morrison

Partners: Institute of Development Studies Sussex,

Kathmandu university, Diverse Patterns

Location: Nepal

Funding: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Research Team

Dr Joanna Morrison

Dr Niraj Poudyal, Kathmandu University

Mr Dipesh Khadka, Kathmandu university

Mr Sagar Prasain, Diverse Patterns

Dr Mary Wickenden, IDS Sussex

Ms Brigitte Rohwerder, IDS Sussex

Ms Sara Wong, UCL Institute tor Global Health

Please click here for Nepali and here for English version of the film made about the study

MICSIE project summary: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has demonstrated a vested commitment to supporting basic education for all learners globally, including learners with disabilities. This commitment is reflected in the 2018 USAID Education Policy (USAID, 2018b) and 2019–2023 Strategy on International Basic Education (USAID, 2018a). In line with this commitment, USAID has funded some projects and programs that support early grade learning for students with and without disabilities, such as those in Cambodia, Malawi, and Nepal.


It is against this backdrop that the Multi-Country Study on Inclusive Education (MCSIE) aims to

generate evidence and lessons learned around the implementation of inclusive early grade

reading (EGR) programs. The purpose of this report is to describe findings to date in the case of

Nepal. The following executive summary describes the background and purpose of the MCSIE

evaluation, the methodology this evaluation utilizes, and some indicative findings from the period following the MCSIE Inception Report. Data collection methods include literature review,

 Date: 01/01/2020 - 02/15/2023

PI: Dr. Valarie Karr

KU researchers: Dr. Niraj Poudyal, Prof. Mahesh Banskota, Mr. Dipesh Khadka, Dr. Santosh Adhikari

Partners: Inclusive Development Partners (IDP), Purdue University

Location: Cambodia, Malawi, and Nepal

Funding: USAID

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